
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Like Father, Like Son / そして父になる / 그렇게 아버지가 된다

Like Father, Like Son

Japan: そして父になる(soshite chichi ni naru) = to become a father
- そして = and
- 父 = father
- なる = to become

Korea: 그렇게 아버지가 된다 = to become a father
- 그렇게 = like that, in that manner
- 아버지 = father
- 되다 = to become

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Now You See Me / グランド・イリュージョン / 나우 유 씨 미 : 마술사기단

Now You See Me

Japan: グランド・イリュージョン = "Grand Illusion"

Korea: 나우 유 씨 미 : 마술사기단 = Now You See Me: Magic Swindler Gang
- 마술 = magic, witchcraft
- 사기 = fraud, swindle
- 단 = unit, group

Thailand: อาชญากลปล้นโลก
- อาชญากร = criminal
- กล = trick
- อาชญากล = (a made-up word combining the two words above together)
- ปล้น = steal, rob
- โลก = earth, world

Legally Blonde / キューティ・ブロンド / 금발이 너무해

Legally Blonde 

Japan: キューティ・ブロンド = "Cutie Blonde"

Korea: 금발이 너무해 = Blondie is too much! / Blondie's going too far!
금발 = blonde hair
- 너무하다 = (be) unreasonable; (too) bad; too hard

Thailand: สาวบลอนด์หัวใจดี๊ด๊า

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Devil Wears Prada / プラダを着た悪魔 / 악마는 프라다를 입는다

The Devil Wears Prada

Usually the JP and KO titles are pretty much parallel to each other, but for this movie, you can notice how they're grammatically different. :)

Japan: プラダを着た悪魔 = Prada Wearing Devil

  • プラダ = "Prada"
  • 着た (from 着る) = to wear
  • 悪魔 = devil

Korea: 악마는 프라다를 입는다 = Devil Wears Prada

  • 악마 = devil
  • 프라다 = "Prada"
  • 입는다 (from 입다) = to wear

Thailand: นางมารสวมปราด้า = Devil Wears Prada

  • นางมาร = female devil, demoness 
  • สวม = to wear
  • ปราด้า = "Prada"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Secret World of Arrietty 借りぐらしのアリエッティ 마루 밑 아리에티 อาริเอตี้ มหัศจรรย์ความลับคนตัวจิ๋ว

"The Secret World of Arrietty" is a film from Japan's famous animated movie maker, Studio Ghibli. It is based on a book, "The Borrowers", by Mary Norton.

Japan: 借りぐらしのアリエッティ = The Borrower, Arrietty

  • 借りる = to borrow
  • くらす(暮らす) = to live
  • 借りるぐらし = leading a life by borrowing things
  • アリエッティ = "Arrietty"

Korea:마루 밑 아리에티 = Arrietty under the floor

  • 마루 = floor
  • 밑 = under 
  • 아리에티 = "Arrietty"

Thailand:อาริเอตี้ มหัศจรรย์ความลับคนตัวจิ๋ว = Arrietty, The secret wonder of the small people

  • อาริเอตี้ = "Arrietty"
  • มหัศจรรย์ = wonder, miracle
  • ความลับ = secret
  • คน = human, person
  • ตัว = body
  • จิ๋ว = small, minute
  • คนตัวจิ๋ว = small person